Windows 8 vs. Windows RT vs WinRT

The next time you abbreviate Windows RT to WinRT I’m gonna hit you, because they’re just not the same thing. That’s the feeling I’ve been having recently while reading dozens of uninformed comments on tech blogs all over the Web talking about Windows 8. Windows 8 Editions Windows 8 comes in three……

Windows Phone Studio-任何人都能开发Windows Phone App的在线工具

    在一段时间的内测以后,微软于今天早些时候发布了其Windows Phone应用开发的在线工具,名字叫做Windows Phone Studio。其意义在于,通过简单的内容添加和样式选择,实现Windows Phone应用的定制,它不仅屏蔽了Windows Phone应用开发的技术细节,使得没有相关开发经验的普通用户可以创建Windows Phone平台的App,而且……