分类目录:Software QA

以下是分类 Software QA 下的所有文章

Android device automation with ADB

“How to automate your Android device” The “adb shell input” command can be used to automate any attached Android device by sending simple commands and input over USB. The syntax is: input [<source>] <command> [<arg>…] The sources are: trackball joystick touchnavigation mouse keyb……

关于 Android 下的自动化测试方法介绍

本文主要转自宋立新的CSDN博客: http://blog.csdn.net/zjujoe/archive/2010/06/02/5641477.aspx http://blog.csdn.net/zjujoe/archive/2010/06/23/5689324.aspx   前言: 现在Android开发非常红火,Java环境下敏捷开发是不二选择。而敏捷开发都是测试驱动。所以,最近研究了一下Android下的各种自动化测试手段。本……

如何使用UIAutomation进行iOS 自动化测试(Part I)

写在前面 研究iOS的自动化测试也有些日子了,刚开始的时候,一直苦于找不到什么好的资料,只能从Apple的官网查阅相关的API文档,只可惜,Apple对开发者来说实在是不怎么友好,文档写得相当的粗略,对于初学者来说有一定的难度。 本来是打算自己动手写一篇关于iOS的UI自动化测试的入门级别的介绍性文档的,但想起来后面在……

Cisco Jabber Cross Launch testing

Cisco Jabber Cross Launch testing IM: im scheme(im://stigao@cisco.com) im scheme(im:stigao@cisco.com) xmpp scheme(xmpp://stigao@cisco.com) xmpp scheme(xmpp:stigao@cisco.com) ciscoim scheme (ciscoim://stigao@cisco.com) ciscoim scheme (ciscoim:stigao@cisco.com) Send IM ciscochat://goim?screenname=……

A collection of Software Testing Quotes.

A collection of Software Testing Quotes. Some are inspirational while some are outrageous. Quality Quotes “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.” – John Ruskin “Quality is free, but only to those who are willing to pay heavily for it.” – T. DeMarco and T. Lis……